This is a massive site for finding information on our daily weather blogs. Anything you need to know concerning current weather conditions or surface map data can be found here.
This site is extremely useful in showing what the weather is, what it will be, and what it has been. And most importantly, why? It offers full views of different kinds of maps showing barometric pressure, temp etc. This site will definitely be a great resource for this class.
This is a great link to beef up on learning the different symbols that are used to describe wind direction as well as other very useful information. I especially like it because from a person who is just looking at things like this, it will just look like a bunch of garbage. I enjoy deciphering what is happening throughout the nation.
This is an especially useful site as I live in Eau Claire and need to walk to school everyday. Regardless of the weather I still have to bare the walking bridge but it's nice to be prepared. I will probably use this site the most being that it reports what's happening in the five mile radius of where I spend everyday.
This is a great site for seeing some actual satellite images. It has rapid updates giving you the most recent satellite images. Very useful in looking at water vapor.
Again this is another great site for looking at updated satellite images. Especially jet stream images.
Not only does this site give you the weather, but it also updated you on worldwide current events that are affected by weather. This can be extremely useful in terms of learning about weather or just updating yourself on what is going on in the rest of the world.